
I hope you will never participate in a car accident or that request insurance. However, even the most discreet and experienced drivers can easily find themselves at the center of the crash. You know what to do? Knowing what to do after a car accident checklist can help make the insurance process easier and smoother, so you can return faster.

 auto accident lawyerIf you are in a car accident:

Try to stay calm, stop your vehicle and check for injuries. The life and health of you, your passengers and other people involved in the accident, is more important than the vehicle itself.

If necessary, call the police and inform them about the accident, your location, the number of people associated with the injuries and the types of injuries.

You can take reasonable measures to protect yourself and your car from further damage. Whenever possible and if it is legal, move the car onto the road and activate its hazards as soon as it is safe. If you have flashes, you can use them to avoid traffic in the opposite direction and avoid additional faults.

Taking many notes, this is a good practice, for example:

  • or date, time and place of the accident,
  • or how the accident happened: sometimes the image is worth a thousand words and can help improve what you noticed,
  • or type and location of the damage to your car,
  • or type and location of damage to other vehicles or property,
  • or names, addresses and contact information of all drivers and passengers involved in the accident,
  • o Driver’s license numbers and all license information,
  • or insurance identification data, including the name of the insurance company and the policy number,
  • or names, addresses and contact information of witnesses,
  • or names and numbers of icons of police officers or other first responders,

(The ability to take notes is important, so just in case, hold the pen and pillow in your glove box).

You can ask the police officer when and where you can get a copy of the accident report. It is very likely that you need it when you send an insurance request to your insurer.

auto accident lawyer

Generally, it is recommended that you call your insurance company immediately and report an accident, because the sooner you find out about the failure, the quicker you can start working to resolve your insurance claim. In addition, they will be able to explain the following steps, for example, when it is necessary to tow the vehicle if necessary and will take care of the driver’s exit and assess the damage before repairs are made.

There are a couple of mistakes you can take into account, for example, do not talk about the financial limits of your insurance policy and avoid discussing the responsibility of the accident or the circumstances of the accident with anyone except the police or a representative from your insurance company.