growth hacker

The term growth hacker was first introduced by Sean Ellis in 2010, describing them as “a person who true north is growth, everything they do is scrutinized by its potential impact on scalable growth”.Growth hackers are considered to be a hybrid of a marketer or coder, whose job is to get as many customers as possible for a particular product. And if you are confused how a growth hacker can help, it is very important to know the actual concept called hacking. To taste success in the business world is not an easy task and a small mistake might allow others to surpass you. This is where a growth hacker comes in handy, what if they could help you “hack” your growth? However, it is not an easy task to randomly go on hiring a professional growth hacker, there are few good growth hacking agency that might help you selecting the best person for you.

Start up your business with best growth hacker

The job of a growth hacker is basically to help you get a visibly rapid growth in your business. They will help you prior to your startup and make sure to get as many users for the product even before you start up. They create a platform mostly through web page ensuring the users to sign up and thus getting a decent volume and then getting that numbers in front of others attracting them to sign as well.Hence it is recommendable to hire a growth hacker with a sound knowledge in design, code, optimization and analyzing the data.

While going for a hacker, there are basic things that you need to keep in mind like to approach a reputed platform or else you may be penalized by Google or other related web and end up going bankrupt. There are many growth hacking agency that are legal and are quite skilled and aware on what they do. Naturally, if the users like the idea and would suggest other who may benefit from these service. This is obviously a word to mouth way of promoting, and a rather different approach from traditional marketing. The best example of growth hacking that can be sited is that of Airbnb, an online independent lodging company that gained success by coupling technology and ingenuity. Apart from that social networking sites like Facebook, twitter and others are also examples of product of “growth hacking” technology.